The elders in Canada do not share thoughts with elders in Texas, with elders in Florida or elders in New York. So they too, do not know what is happening around the world. Circuit Overseers do not call, and are not encouraged to do so, other Circuit Overseers from around the world to compare notes and ask question. In the case of the elders, Circuit Overseers and other branch positions, the recommended method is to call headquarters and speak to the main offices.
So true.....
After I moved here to Japan from the USA to "help" where there was a greater need in an English speaking congregation, many of the elders (all native Japanese, although somewhat proficient in English) asked how things ran in congregations back in the USA. Often times when I concluded a part or offered suggestions, they were in "awe" because of the refreshing difference. I myself, just handled my responsibilites (talks, field service, sheparding calls....) as I was trained to do so. I was puzzled at first, but I now see that they really didn't have the BIG PICTURE........nor did I.
~ Now doing the "submerge" ~ When they look back in line, they'll find my place vacant .
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")